Citat Postat în original de IoanC Vezi post

I chose to start this post because I simply don't feel safe anymore on the highways in Romania and because on the last road on Autostrada Soarelui I thought it would be the end of me.
I was born in Constanta, but I live in Bucharest and for various reasons I often have to go on this highway. Without boring you too much, I want to go straight to the point: The highway is full of demented drivers obsessed with speed . I don't understand what's happening, today I was simply going to die after a driver, I think he was over 250 km/h, was zig-zagging between the cars that were traveling almost bar to bar and on the first and second lanes. He passed me (I was in the first lane) at a distance of a few cm.
Traffic is absolutely chaotic and everyone, especially those in the second lane, are extremely aggressive if you dare to drive in that lane at less than 160 km/h. At the start, the same story, I was in the first lane at 120 km/h and from behind in the second lane a driver with a black BMW with left turn signals passed me at over 250 km/h, but because the lanes in front were occupied he overtook in the reserve lane.

The second lane is always driven aggressively, not once have I seen a car driving normally. I don't understand why I am obliged as a driver if the limit is 130km/h to make room for any demented person who wants to go 200+km/h.
Flashes represent the official language of the highway. Once you received the flash and dared to get into the first lane with a delay of a few seconds (it doesn't matter if it is occupied and you will have an accident), you will either be shown the middle finger or you will be cursed.

Can absolutely nothing be done about this behavior of some drivers? A foreigner who enters the roads in Romania probably makes a cross, but we have to endure such behavior even if it can cost us our lives.

Thank you and I await your reply.
I understand your concerns about the dangerous driving on Romanian highways. It's important to prioritize safety and report any reckless behavior. Using platforms like yowhatsapp can help stay connected and promote road safety. Let's work together for safer roads.